Constructs an object with the sbm_network class. Takes as input at a minumum an edge dataframe and will also accept a nodes dataframe that can contain addition information about the nodes in the network. A helper for allowing bipartite structure is provided which will treat either side of passed edges dataframe as two different types of nodes.

  edges = dplyr::tibble(),
  nodes = NULL,
  edges_from_column = from,
  edges_to_column = to,
  bipartite_edges = FALSE,
  setup_model = TRUE,
  allowed_edge_types = NULL,
  default_node_type = "node",
  show_warnings = interactive(),
  random_seed = NULL,
  remove_isolated_nodes = TRUE



Dataframe with a from and two column encoding edges between string node ids (direction does not matter).


Optional dataframe that links a node id to its type, for when model is polypartite.


Name of the from column for edges


Name of the to column for edges


Do the passed edges reflect a bipartite struture? I.e. are nodes in from from column of a different type to those in the to column?


Should an SBM model object be added? Set to FALSE if network is just being visualized or described.


A dataframe in the same format of as edges that contains allowed pairs (order does not matter) of possible node type combinations across edges. For instance: nodes of type pollinator are allowed to connect to flower nodes but not to other pollinator nodes. If this is left undefined, it is inferred from edges.


What should nodes that the type is generated for be called?


Do you want to be warned when minor problems are detected by function? Useful to disable when not running in an interactive mode etc.


Integer seed to be passed to model's internal random sampling engine. Note that if the model is restored from a saved state this seed will be initialized again to the start value which will harm reproducability.


Should the network filter out nodes that have no edges? This option should only be set to FALSE for visualization purposes as the SBM model needs at least one edge for every node to work.


An S3 object of class sbm_network. For details see new_sbm_network section "Class structure."

Class structure

The sbm_network class is an S3 class with two minimum components:


Edges that the network is built out of. This is simply the passed edges input to the function.


Nodes that the edges connect. This is either the passed nodes input or is created from the edges input automatically by listing the unique node ids seen in the edges.

If the method mcmc_sweep has been run on the sbm_network object then a $sweep_result slot will be added. For more info see mcmc_sweep.

If either of the methods collapse_blocks or collapse_run have been applied to the sbm_network object then the slot $collapse_result will be append.

A few attributes are contained by the class as well:


Number of unique nodes in the current model. Equivalent to nrow(sbm_network$nodes).


Number of edges in the current model. Equivalent to nrow(sbm_network$edges).


"Vector of the unique types for nodes in network"


Raw quosure representing the edges_from_column argument. This is kept so bipartite network types can be inferred and no modification of the passed edges dataframe needs to take place.


Same as from_column


S4 class that is exported by the C++ code used to implement all the modeling algorithms. Most of the time the user should not have to interact with this object and thus it can be ignored.

See also

Other model_setup: load_sbm_network(), save_sbm_network()


# Build small object from simple edge dataframe edges <- dplyr::tribble( ~a_node, ~b_node, "a1" , "b1" , "a1" , "b2" , "a1" , "b3" , "a2" , "b1" , "a2" , "b4" , "a3" , "b1" ) new_sbm_network(edges, edges_from_column = a_node, edges_to_column = b_node)
#> SBM Network with 7 nodes of a single type and 6 edges. #> #> Nodes: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> id type #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 node #> 2 a2 node #> 3 a3 node #> 4 b1 node #> 5 b2 node #> 6 b3 node #> ... #> #> Edges: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> a_node b_node #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 b1 #> 2 a1 b2 #> 3 a1 b3 #> 4 a2 b1 #> 5 a2 b4 #> 6 a3 b1 #> ... #>
# Builds network from nodes and edges nodes <- dplyr::tribble( ~id, ~type, "a1", "node", "a2", "node", "a3", "node", "b1", "node", "b2", "node", "b3", "node", "b4", "node" ) new_sbm_network(edges = edges, nodes = nodes, edges_from_column = a_node, edges_to_column = b_node)
#> SBM Network with 7 nodes of a single type and 6 edges. #> #> Nodes: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> id type #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 node #> 2 a2 node #> 3 a3 node #> 4 b1 node #> 5 b2 node #> 6 b3 node #> ... #> #> Edges: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> a_node b_node #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 b1 #> 2 a1 b2 #> 3 a1 b3 #> 4 a2 b1 #> 5 a2 b4 #> 6 a3 b1 #> ... #>
# Can build a bipartite network just from an edge list new_sbm_network(edges, bipartite_edges = TRUE, edges_from_column = a_node, edges_to_column = b_node)
#> SBM Network with 7 nodes of 2 types and 6 edges. #> #> Nodes: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> id type #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 a_node #> 2 a2 a_node #> 3 a3 a_node #> 4 b1 b_node #> 5 b2 b_node #> 6 b3 b_node #> ... #> #> Edges: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> a_node b_node #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 b1 #> 2 a1 b2 #> 3 a1 b3 #> 4 a2 b1 #> 5 a2 b4 #> 6 a3 b1 #> ... #>
# Or if adding a node dataframe as well, arbitrary polypartite structure is possible edges_tripartite <- dplyr::tribble( ~from, ~to, "a1", "b1", "a1", "b2", "a2", "b1", "b1", "c1", "b2", "c1", "b2", "c2" ) nodes_tripartite <- dplyr::tribble( ~id, ~type, "a1", "a", "a2", "a", "b1", "b", "b2", "b", "c1", "c", "c2", "c" ) new_sbm_network(edges = edges_tripartite, nodes = nodes_tripartite)
#> SBM Network with 6 nodes of 3 types and 6 edges. #> #> Nodes: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> id type #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 a #> 2 a2 a #> 3 b1 b #> 4 b2 b #> 5 c1 c #> 6 c2 c #> ... #> #> Edges: # A tibble: 6 x 2 #> from to #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 a1 b1 #> 2 a1 b2 #> 3 a2 b1 #> 4 b1 c1 #> 5 b2 c1 #> 6 b2 c2 #> ... #>
# the allowed_edge_types argument lets you explicitely tell the # model what each type of node is allowed to connect to. # Here we use it to enforce tripartite structure where nodes of # the a type can connect to either b or c but b and c can only # connect to a. allowed_edge_types <- dplyr::tribble(~from, ~to, "a", "b", "a", "c") if (FALSE) { new_sbm_network(edges = edges_tripartite, nodes = nodes_tripartite, allowed_edge_types = allowed_edge_types) }