Updates the state of the internal S4 class along with the state holder of the s3 class.

update_state(sbm, state_df)



Object of class sbm_network.


A state dataframe with id, parent, level, and type columns for all nodes in network (along with block nodes).


An S3 object of class sbm_network. For details see new_sbm_network section "Class structure."

See also


edges <- dplyr::tribble( ~from, ~to, "a1", "b1", "a1", "b2", "a1", "b3", "a2", "b1", "a2", "b4", "a3", "b1" ) nodes <- dplyr::tribble( ~id, ~type, "a1", "node", "a2", "node", "a3", "node", "b1", "node", "b2", "node", "b3", "node", "b4", "node" ) new_state <- dplyr::tribble( ~id, ~parent, ~type, ~level, "a1", "a_parent", "node", 0L, "a2", "a_parent", "node", 0L, "a3", "a_parent", "node", 0L, "b1", "b_parent", "node", 0L, "b2", "b_parent", "node", 0L, "b3", "b_parent", "node", 0L, "b4", "b_parent", "node", 0L, "a_parent", "none", "node", 1L, "b_parent", "none", "node", 1L, ) net <- new_sbm_network(edges = edges, nodes = nodes) %>% initialize_blocks() # before updating state the state should not equal the desired new state dplyr::all_equal(new_state, attr(net, 'state'))
#> [1] "Different number of rows"
# Update state using update_state() method net <- net %>% update_state(new_state) # Now the states should be identical dplyr::all_equal(new_state, attr(net, 'state'))
#> [1] TRUE